All plans available below can also be ordered via this website's contact page and then purchased via PayPal or bank transfer. Thank you, La Maestra.
Tutti i piani di studio qui disponibili sono ordinabili scrivendomi attraverso la pagina dei contatti e poi acquistabili via PayPal o bonifico bancario. Grazie, La Maestra.
- comeback upon great request
APPOGGIO (semestral plan, long sessions)
89€Every monthONE, monthly, 70' long, individual session - for six consecutive months.Valid for 6 months- For a steady revision of your technique tailored on your rep
PORTAMENTO (single, very long session)
119€ONE, 80' long individual session. Also spendable as TWO 40' sessions. To be completed within a month from the purchase.Valid for one month- Ideal for newcomers or sing-throughs of pre-studied roles.
STACCATO(bundle of two regular sessions)
169€TWO, 60' long individual sessions, to be completed within a month from the purchase.Valid for one month- Ideal to prepare for a recording or an audition
LEGATO (bundle of four regular sessions)
319€FOUR, 60' long, individual sessions, to be completed within six months from the purchase.Valid for 6 months- Ideal to prepare small roles, competitions & concerts
IMPRESARIO (bundle of twelve sessions)
0€TWELVE, 60' long, individual sessions to be completed within one year from the purchase. COST OF THE PLAN: €899 PLEASE NOTE: this plan must be ordered via for 12 months- A lifelong-lasting approach to vocal technique and Belcanto
Cancelations allowed within 24 hours from the booking, if no services have been provided yet. Sessions must be canceled or rescheduled by 24 hours before their scheduled time, or will be lost. All sessions will be held on Skype and the student is allowed to record them fully via the platform itself (recommended). As displayed on the "Sessions Excerpts" page of this same website, during our sessions I will *also* record bits of the lesson **from my side only** (that is, capturing only myself, with my mobile phone camera, that is placed on my piano): I do that with the purpose to later edit and publish such excerpts, always keeping the student anonymous (unless agreed otherwise); these video publications divulgation are meant for educational, non lucrative purposes of cultural dissemination only, which is a non-negotiable trait of my work. Before each session, you're welcome to prepare in avance for whatever repertoire you have in mind using the diction recordings available on The Cantare Italiano ARKive (if what you need isn't there yet, your purchase will allow you to request one or more new recordings beforehand). Grazie, La Maestra